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Jamsai Cordyceps Coffee Fiber (1 pack contains 10 sachets)

- Control hunger and stay full for a long time

- Excretory system

- Nourishes skin, delays aging

- Nourish eyesight and bones

- Build immunity

Jamsai Coffee, popular fiber coffee, controls hunger and helps cleanse the intestines. Better bowel movement, delicious, easy to make, no sugar ingredients, low fat, low sugar, no trans fats, speeds up metabolism, controls hunger for a long time, safe, certified by the FDA, has research papers.

Drinking is good for health. No sugar ingredients

Helps control hunger and prevents fussy eating

Better excretion Helps flush out toxins in the intestines Helps the intestines work at full efficiency. Far from dangerous diseases, silent dangers

Break down old fat Reduce new fat accumulation

Nourish eyesight, bones and joints

Contains vitamins to help make your skin more beautiful. When eating continuously

1 product pack has 10 small envelopes. Inside the envelope is divided into small envelopes. Convenient, easy to carry

How to eat - Eat 1 packet per day, mix with 80 ml. of hot water, stir until dissolved, then drink.

Notification number 65-1-09066-6-0005

Jamsai Cordyceps Coffee Fiber

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