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🔆 Lelany Plus

#Mother Pat's Collagen #Father P's Collagen

▪️ Replenish collagen to the skin, creating a strong surface.

▪️ Helps enhance the function of collagen and glutathione.

1 box contains 10 sachets.

Take 1-2 sachets daily on an empty stomach (after waking up or before bed).

🔺 Take 1 sachet per day. Can be taken continuously for up to 1 month.

🔺 Take 2 sachets a day if you want to add collagen urgently, accelerate white and clear skin by taking 1 sachet after waking up and 1 sachet before going to bed (It is not recommended to take 2 sachets at the same time for effective absorption)

The seller tried it herself and saw real results, so she bought it to sell as well. 😊

Lelany Plus

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