Money Plan Plan your finances to have money to use throughout your life.
Financial planning tips for all ages, so you can learn how to earn money, spend money, save money and invest appropriately so you never run out of money!!
Vachirasak Chungsathaporn, Dr.
Number of pages: 240
"Money Plan: Plan your finances to have money to use throughout your life."
This book is for those who are interested in systematic financial planning at every age. It is divided into age groups, starting from birth to retirement age so that you will never run out of money. It's easy and you can do it yourself. The content in the book is easy to understand. There are examples of necessary information for planning and methods of estimating expenses at each age group. This is to prepare both parents, new graduates who are starting their careers, those who are starting a family, and those who are post-retirement age, which you can actually do.
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Tips and ideas for you to learn how to earn money, spend money, save money and invest at all ages, suitable for all interested people, all genders, all ages, all occupations.
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